Deslizar - the elegant way of the milongueros
Feb 04, 2025
Ramon Finito Rivera was one of the most elegant dancers of his time. The elegant way of the milonguero started when dance floors became better: smooth floors gave dancers the possibility to slide with their foot and not lift their foot up in the step. This way of moving in a step is called 'deslizar'.
The creativity of the dancers was endless, as they were inspired by the increasingly interesting tango music with syncopations, pauses, virtuoso variations and solos.
As variations became more and more complex, with more adornos and intriguing dance combinations, it also became a matter of safety to not lift the foot. Sliding the feet over the floor instead of lifting the foot is safe in many cases such as sacadas. Also in relation to the dancers around you, keeping the feet on the floor is safe. The ladies would not point their foot backwards like it is now commonly done. Keeping the heel close to the floor prevents from stepping on someone else feet and hurting them with your heel. And in those times the stilletto's did not even exist yet.
In the video below we see many famous milongueros, among them the first mentioned Ramon Finito Rivera. In our classes you will learn about the history of tango and the evolution of the dance and music.